Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Siri: Invention or Lifeform?

So you want to text in class again but don't want to cause a disturbance in class again? You urgently need to update your friends about your hopeless life on Twitter but don't want to risk the life of your phone? Introducing, Siri! Siri is an interactive app for the iPhone in which you can just ask Siri just about ANYTHING you want, and she will magically make it happen at a matter of seconds. Why is she important you ask? Well, with Siri, you don't have to depend on physical strength to text, instead just tell Siri who and what to text and she'll do it without the stress of pressing a couple of buttons. This will save you valuable time in the long run. Also you can tell it to do simple commands. Although "Siri, make me a sandwich" is kind of stretching the truth, she does other things. Like for example, you can tell it to remind you about an important date, set your alarm for the next day, etc. With the evolution of Siri, who needs the daily stress of pushing buttons constantly. YOU control her, and she is your slave (if you have an iPhone batteries and accessories not included.) It has become so dependent on humans that it is evolving from iPhones, into cars as well! Again, we see the connection of how technology has become human; how humans are more dependent on technology's functions rather than themselves, and how technology is becoming human and being given human like characteristics. Want to learn more about Siri in cars? Click here!

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