Works Cited

A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Warner Bros. Pictures, 2001. Film

Bradbury, Ray. "The Veldt." Curtis Publishing Co. 1950. Morrow, William. 1997. Print. 

Cay Compass, Chang W. Lee. Attached to Technology and Paying the Price in

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Clarke, Arthur C. 2001; a Space Odyssey,. New York: New American Library, 1968. Print.

Costello, Sam. "iPhone or Android: Which Smartphone Would you Buy?" 9 Sep. 20
Ian Jukes, Ted McCain, Lee Crocket. Understanding the Digital Generation. 22 October 2012. Web. 29 November 2012

I,Robot. Dir. Alex Proyas. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 2004. Film

Jha, Alok. "First Robot Able to Develop and Show Emotions Is Unveiled." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 08 Aug. 2010. Web. 26 Nov. 2012.

Sulivan, Andrew. "Society is Dead, We Have Retreated into the iWorld." A Meeting of Minds.     Callaghan, Patsy. Pearson Education, Inc. 2007.

Whitehouse, David. "Japanese Develop 'female' Android." BBC News. BBC, 27 July 2005. Web. 26 Nov. 2012.

Williams, Liz. "Is Being 'Plugged In' Chinging Campus Life?" A Meeting of Minds. Callaghan,      Patsy. Pearson Education, Inc. 2007.



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